I’m still emotionally adjusting to the fact that we just went through 4th of July weekend … and “tax season” is STILL GOING.I’m thankful for it, because I also know that extending the deadline during this wild, intensely difficult year...
Some of our Woodlands clients are STILL pulling their paperwork — which is understandable during this donkey of a year, and with all of the new complications.But sadly, ye olde IRS isn’t extending any payment grace in a couple weeks. (I say...
With national events continuing as they are, here at Aurelia E Weems, CPA, we’re finding ourselves locking into “go mode” … again. It’s unusual for us to be in this mode smack in the middle of June, but this year has not been …...
Based on the history of events over the course of the last few decades (both here in Woodlands, Conroe and Magnolia and beyond), you might have thought that world events would have slowed down in the last week — that there could begin to be some sense of...
All over our nation, we’re seeing pain.It’s overwhelming, as someone who has to communicate to a broad base of Woodlands, Conroe and Magnolia clients, to even articulate meaningful words about everything that is happening.So … I’m just doing...
Here we are, just out of perhaps the oddest Memorial Day weekend in memory.The summer is here! But it feels like much of our country is still mired in winter. And that feels like it is still the case, no matter the hints of progress against this virus, and no matter...