What a fantastical dream — to pay no taxes.Now … would it surprise you if I said most American households (including many Montgomery County households) enjoyed that very dream in 2020 because they ended up not paying federal taxes – not a single...
It’s getting harder and harder to brace ourselves for the ongoing images of human struggle. They just keep coming. No matter your position on what’s happening, either nationally or abroad, the possibility of disaster touching us — that is out of our control...
Over the weekend, we were “treated” to heartbreaking images.No matter how any Woodlands person feels about our involvement as a nation in Afghanistan, the human toll of that involvement — and now our seemingly hurried departure — can affect the...
You’ve probably got a story to tell. The one about how you got to where you are today. It probably involves lots of hard work and sacrifice. And money.Last I checked, people weren’t giving away their Woodlandshomes and cars. And I bet that you put locks on that house...
The federal government is handing out a lot of money to Woodlands individuals lately. Remember those stimulus payments that started showing up in your bank account last year? There’s more en route…Now comes the federal advance payments of the Child Tax Credit...
Before I jump into outlining good debt vs bad debt for all those in Woodlands trying to tackle their personal debt, let’s touch on some news from everyone’s not-so-favorite government agency. Late last week (Friday news dump?), ye olde Internal Revenue Service...