Wow, am I the only one who turned around and suddenly found the holidays have already planted themselves on my doorstep? No? Oh. Well…
At this time of year, it seems like I always find myself saying, It’s been a crazy year like a proverbial broken record. But, it really always feels that way.
Am I right?
And even though we’re heading into the most “wonderful” time of the year, the chaos of planning Thanksgiving dinner, Christmas shopping (let’s not even talk about price tags and inflation this year), and running out of calendar dates to fit all those little holiday parties into… Well, it’s definitely not all bad, but it doesn’t usually feel the most wonderful in the moment.
And if those woes weren’t enough, there’s the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, the fluctuating gas prices, protests in Iran, the recession hurtling our way, the unease of midterm election results.
It’s easy to get discouraged in daily life, not to mention the dread setting in at the thought of impending conversations with family members around the Thanksgiving table (though that might happen no matter the year in some families, am I right?).
But, in this moment, let’s not forget the main thing this season: Being thankful for REAL things in our lives — things (or people) that we can actually name… not just some abstract idea of “gratitude” that doesn’t apply to our daily lives.
No matter what you or your family may have gone through this year, no matter if the news portrays the world as spinning out of control… there is joy to be found.
It sounds cliche, but setting our thoughts on the joy and all the things we’re grateful for really does do wonders for the heart and the mind.
So, as we prepare to rest this week over here at Aurelia E Weems, CPA and partake of all the Turkey Day festivities, I’m taking some time to think about those concrete, real things in my life that I am grateful for.
First among them? The privilege of getting to serve you.
Placing the most intimate details of your financial world in front of someone else… well, I know, it can induce seat-squirming and more than a smidge of discomfort. And that’s why my number one goal is to be an authority you can trust to take all of that in and help guide you toward a good tax outcome.
It’s also why I make it a point to send you these strategy notes every week (even when my office is slammed with work). And… it’s why I work so hard to keep current on all of the latest tax code updates and regulatory changes that come like clockwork… every. single. year.
I take your trust seriously.
And I take the outcome of it all seriously, too. I don’t want you to pass on any more to Uncle Sam than you need to. Your hard-earned money is for you and your family and holidays like these.
And for me, my work brings with it its own joy — because this past season, through your intimate financial details, I could read between the lines and see remarkable lives of generosity, love, and integrity laid out before my team and I with regularity. I even saw it in the warmth and delight with which you communicated with my office during the process.
So again, I say THANK YOU.
It’s a joy to be able to serve you week in and week out, year after year.
What are some of those tangible things (or people) that you’re filled with gratitude for?
I’d love to hear from you. Head over to the contact page and leave me note.
And let’s enjoy the fruits of this season as we reflect. I will if you will.
Happy to serve you,
Aurelia Weems