For a long time, the NFL was hands-off when it came to Las Vegas. They were unwilling to get anywhere close because of the long-time commissioner’s caution about the connections some big NFL names had with well-known mob connections. 

Commissioner Pete Rozelle and his successors were adamant about their anti-sports betting stance. Major changes in the NFL’s attitude toward Vegas came, slowly but steadily. First with the Raiders finding a new home in its bright lights, and then the location for Super Bowl LVIII.

Major changes come to every industry with the effects of technology and the sway of public opinion. When times change and circumstances change, it means businesses (even giant ones like the NFL) need to progress with them.

How are you progressing in your Montgomery County business with all the changes the past five years? The impact of digital accessibility and the increasing prevalence of those with non-noble intentions in those online spaces are bearing down on everyone’s decisions. That includes big hitters like Google. 

See, in case you missed it, there was a MAJOR email sending update that Google and Yahoo pushed out on February 1. I’m jumping in here today to give you a brief overview of that update — because you’re a business owner regularly sending out emails to your customers and prospects, and you absolutely need to be in compliance. 

Your IT people are hopefully already on top of this Gmail and Yahoo update, but just in case, here’s what you need to know.

The Woodlands Business Owners, A Big Gmail Update Is on the Way
“If spam emails were calories, I would be morbidly obese.” – Scott Adams

Remember the good old days when it was easy to send emails to your The Woodlands customers? Yeah, those days are officially over. As of February 1, 2024, the Gmail update (and a similar update from Yahoo) implemented stricter security measures to fight spam and make things safer for users. 

The list of technical requirements can seem a bit overwhelming, but really, it all just means we need to adapt our emailing habits a bit.

So, what exactly changed? Think of it like showing your ID at the door. The Gmail and Yahoo updates means these email giants are now checking for three key things:

1. Authentication

Basically, your email needs to prove it’s really coming from you and not some imposter. This involves setting up DKIM, SPF, and DMARC – acronyms that serve as your email’s security badges. (Don’t worry, your IT people know what these are.)

2. Reputation

Spam complaints are a big no-no. Specifically, more than three spam reports for every 1K emails you send will negatively affect your email reputation and cue the delivery of your emails to junk folders.

So make sure your emails are relevant, valuable, and easy to unsubscribe from.

3. Engagement

Blasting emails to everyone you’ve ever met won’t work anymore. Focus on building relationships with your audience, sending only to those who actually want to hear from you, and keeping them engaged.

One important distinction to make with this Gmail update is that Google and Yahoo are identifying those who send 5K+ emails per day as bulk email senders. Those types of senders are subject to additional regulations, such as the requirement to incorporate one-click unsubscribe in email headers.

The downside to all of this is that you’re definitely going to need technical support to implement the new requirements. Don’t try to do this yourself — hire experts to do this for you. Your email list is too valuable.

The upsides are plural. Your emails land safely in inboxes. You get higher ROI on customer service and marketing efforts. And it also means you also don’t have to compete with giant spam machines anymore.

Translation: Your efforts to comply with this Gmail and Yahoo update will be well worth your investment.


So, are you ready to embrace this new era of email? Remember, it’s not about fancy tricks — just follow the rules and enjoy the benefits. Kind of like paying taxes. Speaking of which, have you scheduled your tax appointment yet?

Keeping up with it all on your behalf,

Aurelia Weems